Sunday, April 27, 2014

Weekend Adventures

This weekend was a fun filled one! We try to stay busy to help with the homesickness. On Friday I did my first day of full day teaching. I really had a great first day! Students responded to me and listen it was great feeling. 

On Friday during school we had a dodgeball tournament at school. 3rd grade classes played against each other. Then the winning 3rd grade class plays the staff. The staff won against the 3rd grade and 4th grade. My class was a the class that beat every other 4th grade class but then could defeat the staff. 

We were lucky enough to get to see the college kids graduate on Friday. 

We have meet some really great students that attend the college here. The dorms are pretty bare now that students have left to go back home or vacation for a while. We(I) also have been spending our nights practicing interviewing Bethany and Sam. Both got offered the job on their first interview! It was also their first pick of job to! Bethany is taking a job GHEC and Sam took a job at Fairmont Elementary. Both will be teaching 2nd grade and soo excited. I am very excited for them as well. 

We tried to sleep in on Saturday however we only made it til 9:30 and that was a push. The sunlight is almost 20 hours here. However the sun makes getting up early. 
After lunch we worked a guy named Rob who runs simple machines in the school. Rob gave us tons of lesson plans and things to use in our classroom. Here are some pictures: 

Bethany and I created a few sweat things! The first one we created a car that picks up things. The second we created a car and lift in one! It was a really fun day and felt like we were kids again.

We then went a little kids birthday party after this which was at the college. We actually went for the food because Simon (RA here at the college) made us go to check out the food! Im glad we went the food was amazing! We then worked with Ruth (the housemother) to finish our dress. I will attach pictures on Tuesday with the finish project! I'm pretty proud of the creation I made. 
We then hung out the rest of the night lesson planned some and watched Magic Mike. 

Today I was able to sleep in til 10 am! Whoa! It felt amazing! We went to brunch here at the college and it was amazing.The pancakes are very good here but the waffles on the other hand are not my favorite. After we ate breakfast my teacher offered to take us hunting or looking for Caribou. We were lucky enough to see some! 

Here are some pictures of the Caribou we saw today. 

After driving around looking for Caribou we decided to go shoot a gun. My teacher has a Springfield 30-06. It was a gun that his father use in World War 2 and passed it down to him. 

Here is the picture of the gun. 

We then had target practice. 

Bethany hit the target. However when we expected the boxes there were 9 shots through them so I am claiming one of them as mine own. 

After shooting practice. We went to a restaurant in town to eat. I had the best bowl of chicken noodle soup ever! 

Then after eating and talking about Sushi. My teacher decided to order a platter of Sushi since most of us hadn't had it before. 

At first I was really hesitate to try it at first but then made myself do it! 

It was really good! I ate three pieces of it! 

One last detail:

I bought a piece of Baleen from a local artist. I am so excited about it. It has carving on it. 

There usually carve the story of how they hunted the whale. One the front their is a whale. On the back there is a dog sled going to get a polar bear. The detail is amazing on the baleen. Baleen is the "jawbone" of the whale. 

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