Saturday, April 12, 2014

Piuraagiaqta Festival

Polar Bear tracks! 
Today we went to the Piuraagiaqta festival- It started off by our bus driver David taking us to the elementary to eat but instead he asked if we wanted to look for polar bears and eat at a later time! We all jumped on board of this idea. As David knows we have been dying to see a polar bear so he has been looking extra hard for us. So we drove around the town and David told us the all about the history of Barrow and how the town has expanded and changed. Here are some pictures of town. 

 Here we are taking our picture on the edge of the road. Behind us is the Artic Ocean. 

There are two main airplane companies that travel into Barrow from what I have noticed Alaska Airlines and Era Airlines. The Alaska Airlines is a larger plane that comes in verus the Era is a smaller plane. 

We flew in on Alaska Airlines. The plane is very nice lots of leg room. When we got off the plane you walk down stairs to get off the plane. The plane doesn't hook up to a gate like in Minneapolis. I felt like I was famous! 

This is us by a baleen tree! Trees don't exist in Barrow. So they made a tree using baleen and wood. The hut that is in the background is housing for people that come to the summer camps. There are multiple little huts in this area outside of the town. 

The snow up here looks so different. It looks like spikes stick out. If you ever seen the movie Frozen the snow looks like how the snow comes out before Elisa puts her magic to it! (bad reference) but it is really fluffy and spiky looking. 


This is a picture of their gym. It is very nice. Kids are playing basketball. Basketball is a game that students have been playing for their whole life. It has been around even when their elders were young. The picture on the right is a whale skull. You see whale skulls all around town. They say the whale jaw is 1/3 the size of the whale. 

 Then we went to the parade as part of the festival. Here are pictures from the parade. Unfortunately the Easter bunny has to show up.

Today Temperature: -2 and a little windy. 

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