Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Last Day of School!

Today was the last day of school! Tomorrow we have a teacher in-service day. This is just were we help our teachers clean up their room and hang out! I am looking forward to being home and sleeping in my bed in the darkness! I am also excited to meet my new puppy well half mine! But most importantly I know buster dog is wondering where I have been! 

Today we had a dodge-ball tournament at school! I get real into these events. 

Yep that is me in my atigluk telling my teammate good job for knocking the pin down! 
After playing dodge-ball we launched rockets. This was a great and so much fun. However it was very cold outside. The wind was at about 20 MPH so kids were freezing along with me. We were all huddling in the corner to stay warm. Due to the wind most of the rockets were launch and not found because the wind carried them along ways. Only 2-3 students got their rockets back. Here is a picture of a proud student who got his back! 

Lastly we took a picture after school with all the students students and their CTs. 

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